rainbow-loom-tipsHere are some tips to making using your Rainbow Loom a more enjoyable experience.  These will also help you make more bracelets and make them faster.

  • Always use your Rainbow Loom on a large flat surface with a big work area, like a kitchen table, desk, breakfast bar or even a mat on the floor if you want to watch TV while you’re workin the loom!
  • Keep you loom and supplies clean and organized.
  • Sort all your rubber band colors before you get started and keep the organized by color.  This will make a HUGE difference while you’re working.
  • You can find plastic cases to sort your rubber band into colored groups at craft stores like Michael’s or even at hardware stores or Target.  The small investment in one of these will be well worth it.
  • Always complete a project before starting on a new one.
  • Try to determine all the colors you will use for an existing project or pattern before you start.  This will help the project move along faster, but it will can also keep you from running out of a color in the middle of a project!
  • If you need help getting the hang of using the needle and loom, ask your parent(s) or an older sibling for help.  They can probably take and look, figure it out and show you how to follow the pattern and send you off on your way to completion.
  • Don’t get frustrated.  If you mess up or get tired, take a break.  Grab a snack, go outside and play or just rest for a little while and come back.  You may solve your problems just be taking a quick break.
  • When you finish a masterpiece, send us a photo!  We may feature it on our website.


  1. Jada
    Feb 21, 2014 @ 00:58:25



  2. Anaya
    Feb 23, 2014 @ 20:12:08

    I love Rainbow Loom. I tried making a Ladder on Crazy Loom but it came out as the onion ring! 🙂 I made 5 hexafishes on RainbowLoom! Thanks!


    • elizabeth muir
      Jun 17, 2015 @ 14:39:12

      I love fun loom making a Ladder on Fun Loom but it came out as the onion ring! 🙂 I made 5 hexafishes on Fun loom
      thank you?☀️


  3. greg
    Mar 20, 2014 @ 22:54:27

    i love rainbow looms


    • greg
      Mar 20, 2014 @ 22:55:01

      me to


  4. Superfly
    May 06, 2014 @ 17:11:27

    need more information not right .NEED MORE INFORMATION NEXT TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  5. sarah
    May 20, 2014 @ 21:56:45

    omg i really suck at it but i just made like twenty fishtails but i am out of loom!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    i need help were can u buy it from…..


  6. pey
    Aug 24, 2014 @ 05:10:22



  7. lea
    Sep 23, 2014 @ 19:03:32



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